87665 - Teaching Art, Grades K-12 (2020/FA:EDUC-517-01)
This course consists of creative preparation through a series of workshop experiences for developing competencies in designing and producing materials associated with specific behavioral /educational objectives related to art education. The emphasis in curriculum development edTPA: Impact on Teaching and Learning in a Common Core World. The development of specific production skills and understanding their relationship to the learning process of cognitive learning and theory, techniques of problem-solving using the Problem Based Learning format (PBL), the conversion of ideas into visual materials, planning of art lessons that will incorporate the study of arts and sciences in hands-on activities, and the execution of a unit.
I.PURPOSE: This course is designed for the MAT graduate to provide supplemental resources with the theoretical understanding that supports the use of appropriate materials, methods, and techniques as related to the teaching of visual arts in the k-12 classroom and techniques as related to the teaching of visual arts in the k-12 classroom.
1. Provide opportunities for the student to practice appropriate and effective methods in the various subject matter and skill areas to the student’s particular discipline.
2. Enable the student to draw upon his/her major studies to plan units of study for the middle and secondary classrooms.
3. Investigate various methods of curriculum management and design.
4. Provide opportunities for the student to develop effective speaking and listening skills; as well as, collaboration skills.
5. Apply creative Thinking Strategies to employ a variety of protocols, tools, and solutions. 6. Nurture creativity so the student can learn to use the process for effective innovation.
III. TOPICS TO BE COVERED A.Explore the scope and sequence of the visual art discipline as it applies to spatial relationships.
B. Share ideas to be incorporated into a lesson plan unit of study that addresses learning styles, mental abilities, and developing the habit of critical thinking.
C. Develop and make connections building student competency through art and science.
D. Assess the process for creativity/ innovation through the solution/ product with a feedback critique or written evaluation.
IV. INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES V. Responsibilities VI. Evaluation
A. Lectures A. Class attendance A. Evaluation activities
B. Class discussions B. Class presentations 1. In-class art projects:30%
C. Oral and written assignments C. Completion of in-class art projects 2. Writing activities (Reflections):30%
D. Selected reading assignments D. Create a unit plan of study 3. Lesson/unit plan:20%
E. Classroom teaching in the Clinical setting E. Creation of an art notebook or file 4. File or notebook:10%
B. Grading Scale
A= 95-100
A- = 93-94
B+= 90-92
B= 87-89
B- = 85-86
C+= 83-84
C= 80-82
C- = 76-79
D= 70-75
F= <70